The Dos Ceibas Development was conceived as a Caribbean retreat for individuals who appreciate natural beauty as well as innovative design. Developed with ecological respect for one of the world’s great surf destinations, the secluded eight lot neighborhood was designed to maximize dramatic ocean views and to create a sense of complete escape by providing privacy for each lot. Located on the westernmost tip of Puerto Rico, Dos Ceibas’s chief asset is its commanding view of both the Caribbean Sea and Aguadilla Bay to the North. The site’s elevation exposes it to the prevailing NE trade winds, providing a constant cooling breeze. The organization and lot layout is based on an analysis of existing views and exposure, natural topography and local building codes. These factors were explored extensively in 3D model to ensure each lot has an exemplary view with minimal visual interference.

Aerial view of the lot divisions and proposed massing
Location of the development in relation to the Rincon coastline
Plan view of the road, lot divisions and surrounding landscape
Imagining Paul Rudolph’s Leavengood House tucked under the ceiba trees